Tools to Detect Software Copyright Infringement
An emerging class of tools makes it easy to automatically detect copying of copyrighted software source code, even if it came from one of the hundreds of thousands of open source packages. I am...
View ArticleWhere in the World is Michael Barr?
Dear reader, it has been over six months since my last blog post. My apologies for being absent without leave from this blog and from my Firmware Update e-newsletter. I have never been as busy,...
View ArticleDead Code, the Law, and Unintended Consequences
Dead code is source code that is not executed in the final system. It comes in two forms. First, there is dead code that is commented out or removed via #ifdef’s. That dead code has no corresponding...
View ArticleIntellectual Property Protections for Embedded Software: A Primer
My experiences as a testifying expert witness in numerous lawsuits involving software and source code have taught me a thing or two about the various intellectual property protections that are...
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